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What is Aquamid
Aquamid® is a hydrogel that feels and behaves like it is a natural part of our own body. It consists of 97.5 % water and 2.5% polyacrylamide and becomes completely integrated with our body’s own tissue. The volume it supplies remains in place beneath the skin in harmony with our body.
The hydrogel does not contain any micro-particles, which means that the filling effect comes from the gel itself – not from a foreign body reaction to the micro-particles. Therefore, Aquamid® does not create tissue hardening or fibrosis.
The volume injected is equivalent to the final result and enables our physician to correct our looks with precision. A slight swelling might occur after injection, but will disappear after a few days.
Aquamid® is a watery gel. Once injected in the tissue it continuously exchanges water between the hydrogel and the surrounding tissue. With time the gel becomes vascularised enabling access to the immune system.
Where to use Aquamid
Aquamid® perfects the way we look by contouring the face, adding extra volume where desired, like our lips, or restoring lost volume to our face.
Volume is one of the secrets behind a beautiful face as volume beneath the skin is inevitably lost as the body ages, resulting in the effects we traditionally associate with ageing – such as wrinkles and folds. A beautiful youthful appearance can only be re-established if volume is replaced.
With Aquamid®, we can rejuvenate our appearance by restoring lost volume and smoothing away deeper wrinkles and folds from beneath, enjoying a fresher, more youthful appearance.
It’s not just about anti-ageing. We can also use Aquamid® to enhance the contours of our face in other ways. Create the high cheekbones or nose that we’ve always dreamed of, or enhance our lips for a more sensual mouth by adding extra volume.
It is extremely soft such that we can neither see nor feel it’s there. We will look better and feeling fresher.
Proven Lasting Satisfaction
Aquamid® has a proven track record for safety and lasting satisfaction based on 16 years of experience and more than 400 000 treatments administered.
With Aquamid®, we can experience great results without surgery. The results we get are not only instant. They last as well. Aquamid® has clinically proven aesthetic satisfaction for years.
In a long-term clinical trial with Aquamid®, physicians judged the aesthetic results from good to very good as more than 90% of the patients were either very satisfied or satisfied at the one, two, four and five year-follow-up.
(Courtesy of Aquamid)