
micropigmentation for vitiligo


Vitiligo is a long-term skin condition where pale white patches develop in the skin because of the lack of melanin or pigment of the skin. It is a rare condition with only 1-2 percent of the population being diagnosed with the said condition.

It is not life-threatening or contagious. However, many people who have the condition undergo social dysphoria that profoundly affects their social and professional lives. It mainly affects people with darker skin tones. Vitiligo is less recognizable in people with fairer skin color. It is more apparent during when the unaffected part skin gets tan while the area with Vitiligo does not. Then, what are the possible treatments for people who have Vitiligo?

While the white spots in the body caused by the condition are usually permanent, that does not mean that there is no way to fix them. Using camouflage creams and undergoing phototherapy are usual treatments for Vitiligo. Another way of treating it is through a process called Paramedical Micropigmentation.

What is paramedical micropigmentation?

If you have researched a little about cosmetology, you probably have heard about the term Micropigmentation. Micropigmentation also called “permanent makeup” or “cosmetic tattooing” is a cosmetic procedure where it introduces pigments into the skin. People who experience breast reconstruction surgeries, or who wants to have hair simulation and scar concealment, usually undergo Paramedical Micropigmentation. So, how does Paramedical Micropigmentation work?

Before introducing the pigment, the micropigmentation artist applies anesthetic to the affected part of the skin. Pigments usually include iron oxide, titanium dioxide, mercuric sulfate, and cadmium sulfate. Some pigments are organic vegetable-based and considered safer than those that use iron oxide. Pigments are individually mixed to match the patient’s skin tone. Then, the micropigmentation artist uses an instrument, which is either manual or electrically driven, to introduce the pigment into the area of skin that needs recoloring.

Paramedical Micropigmentation is not a major medical surgery. In fact, you do not need a formal education in medicine to be a micropigmentation artist. However, they undergo a series of training programs and a licensure exam to have a certification to be a cosmetic artist.

Paramedical Micropigmentation is a simple procedure and does not take that much time; one session might take just around one hour. It is relatively cheaper than other cosmetic procedures too. It is also a good alternative for people who have to make up allergies. The results of the method look more natural compared to other cosmetic procedures, like tattooing.

Difference between paramedical micropigmentation and tattooing

How does Paramedical Micropigmentation differ from regular tattooing?

First, Micropigmentation goes deeper into the skin than tattooing. In Paramedical Micropigmentation, the needle is injected deep into the dermis, while tattooing would usually leave the ink below the epidermis. Micropigmentation would produce different results than tattooing because the deeper the ink is, the less likely will it spread through the body.

The second difference is the needle that it uses. Needles used in Paramedical Micropigmentation are much thinner than in tattooing, which allows for a smaller insertion point, less ink, and more subtle coloring.

Lastly, Micropigmentation is less permanent than tattooing. The color from this procedure would usually last for three to six years, depending on the amount of exposure a person’s body to the sun. Though, it achieves a more natural color than ordinary ink. Thus, Paramedical Micropigmentation is more advisable as a treatment for Vitiligo than tattooing.

Paramedical micropigmentation for vitiligo

For patients that have Vitiligo, Paramedical Micropigmentation helps in breaking down the texture of the areas affected by softening and flattening it. The result? The pale white patches start to match the color of the surrounding skin. The procedure is most effective in small patched areas on the lips and fingertips.

Micropigmentation is not a one-time process. Procedures usually take a couple of sessions to achieve the full result. It usually takes two to three sessions depending on the patient’s condition although effects are typically seen immediately, usually a couple of days after the procedure. Though for those with Vitiligo, while the results are immediate, the full impact of the process wouldn’t be seen until after three weeks.

There is no cure for Vitiligo. However, Paramedical Micropigmentation for vitiligo is a process to avoid the condition from spreading and, at best, restore the color of the white areas. The skin needs touch-ups to maintain the color. Commonly, the affected area needs to be touched up once a year.

Potential risks of paramedical micropigmentation

Just like any other medical procedure, Micropigmentation comes with its possible complications and risks, such as allergic reactions and keloid formations. Patients who go under an MRI scan after the treatment might experience discomfort and swelling because of the pigment in the affected areas. Heavy metals used in pigments commonly cause these problems.

However, do not worry because there are pigments in the market that are organic and does not contain heavy metals. A brand called Swiss Color sells pigments that have no trace of heavy metals and are toxic free. Also, under professional and sterile hands, side effects could be easily prevented. The brand also offers training seminars to aspiring micropigmentation artists, to ensure the quality of service the client receives.

Preparation for paramedical micropigmentation

By now, you might be considering going under Paramedical Micropigmentation. So, what do you need to prepare before undergoing the procedure?

First, you need to find a highly trained and experienced micropigmentation artist for the method. Do your research and find the right center of medical professionals and one that uses sterile equipment. It is vital to have a consultation with your doctor before the procedure itself.

In the consultation, the micropigmentation artist asks about your medical history, and you must be honest during this to avoid any complication post-procedure. It is also essential to set your expectations for the procedure so that the artist has a clear idea of the result you are expecting. However, set realistic expectations to avoid any disappointment.

The artist, then, examines the skin’s texture, tone, and complexion to match the pigments for the desired result. It is also during the consultation that the artist decides whether or not you need anesthesia for the procedure. These factors are essential, especially for patients with Vitiligo.

Before undergoing the treatment, patients with Vitiligo should be under the supervision of a skin specialist. Use sunscreen and avoid direct contact with the sun, especially for the affected areas. You could use certain cosmetic products to cover the white patches temporarily. Take care of your skin before and after the procedure.

Paramedical micropigmentation after care

After the procedure, what’s next? Again, like any other medical procedure, post-procedure maintenance is as essential as the medical procedure itself.

You might experience pain, swelling, and bruising in the affected area, but that’s normal. A cold compress and prescribed painkillers could help you in easing the pain. It is also advisable to avoid excessive direct sunlight to the affected area, especially for those who have Vitiligo. People who have Vitiligo have more sensitive skin when it comes to sunlight and is more prone to sunburns. Use prescribed ointments or sunscreen when leaving the house. Also, avoid products that contain aloe vera, Retin A., and glycolic acid because these could cause the color to fade quicker.

Paramedical Micropigmentation requires maintenance and take some effort, but, inevitably, it will all be worth it at the end.

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